About me

Hi, Iā€™m Chris Vesty, a piano tuner and technician based near Bury St Edmunds.

My services extend across a diverse array of settings including homes, studios, concert halls, and businesses.

I honed my skills at a range of institutions:

  • CMIT and Diploma in piano tuning and maintenance at Newark

  • Lead piano technician and service manager at Millers Music Cambridge

  • Voicing and Vario system installation at C. Bechstein Europe

  • Regulation, ATX and Aures systems at Kawai Pianos

  • Disklavier, Silent and Transacoustic maintenance at Yamaha

  • Adsilent and Kioshi systems at Millers Music Cambridge

I offer charitable services to those in need:

  • SEND schools

  • Refugee shelters

  • Hospices

I provide concert and studio technician services for many labels, artists and venues:

  • Potton Hall Studio

  • Forestry England

  • New Wolsey Theatre

  • Apple Music

  • Chandos

  • Hyperion

  • Fieldwork Music